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Ro'ya project

Idea of ​​the project Project to improve the level of health, environmental and economic Problems of poverty are multiple and variable from one location to another and vary from north to south. South of Egypt of the areas most affected by the level of living is low and high poverty rates and the level of per capita income is very low.

Through this project we are trying to find practical solutions and to improve the scientific and raise the standard of living and improve the living conditions of the poor and others are able and to improve the health status of families and reduce the extent of pollution in water and at the village level in various types of pollution that exist. 

The project tries to provide an integrated model for a rural village located in the province of Beni Suef, a village manor Sheikh Yaqub – the al – Beni Suef, a village where 5,000 people and its 420 homes and that 90% of its people in agriculture, but they do not have the land where 80% of farmers wage work, 60% of the people of the village below the poverty level and 40% of the village destitute and live in houses unsuitable for living Adamic And these families do not have the ability to modify these homes, or even enter Clean water to their homes and some of these Almnazllaeugd-to-toilet For use inside the house. 

These families rely on contaminated drinking water sources (pumps, floor) And also go out at night to relieve themselves outside the home in the fields Majarh to their homes, so the project will provide a model distinct Community of the village at this level after adjusting this level is located and through the activities of the project, the project will educate the community on these issues and seriousness of them and will improve the dwellings of the poor and non-able through the (re-construction of rooms for living fit life Adamic them), helping them to a toilet environmental friendly to the environment local and also drinking water for homes disadvantaged non-polluting as well as the implementation of the economic project of livestock to help poor families and women heads of families helps in the high standard of living for the poor Thus ensuring the continuity of the family income even after the completion of all project activities to have a steady income helps them to living humans and reduces the gap between the poor and the able. 

This model will be a lasting partnership between the firm and Hermes together with the Foundation for Development, Environment and Development Association and the local community Bjl Mahlybaladhafah of the full support of the executive and popular. We will together provide a comprehensive document of social change on a distinguished village level and explains the difference between the current between the funeral and its implementation, So we offer an integrated model replicable at the village level and Rehabilitation In other communities so that we can change, even if partial The map of poverty in Egypt, but by the innovative and new and distinct.

These ideas written by this project come out through the study of accurate field for this community and also through frequent meetings with the team responsible for the institution of Hermes and also with members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation (together) and also field visits to the site with the relevant committees and the General Partner Active this out this product. of the project in your hands


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